C++ wrapper for several utilities of PCRE2 Library

PCRE2 is the name used for a revised API for the PCRE library, which is a set of functions, written in C, that implement regular expression pattern matching using the same syntax and semantics as Perl, with just a few differences. Some features that appeared in Python and the original PCRE before they appeared in Perl are also available using the Python syntax.

This provides some C++ wrapper functions to provide some useful utilities like regex match and regex replace.


  1. C++ compiler with C++11 support.
  2. pcre2 library (version >=10.21).

If the required pcre2 version is not available in the official channel, download my fork of the library from here, Or use this repository which will always be kept compatible with jpcre2.

How To:

How to compile:

  1. #include the jpcre2.hpp file in your program.

  2. Compile with pcre2 library linked and c++11 enabled.


A simple mycpp.cpp file should be compiled with the following command with GCC.

g++ -std=c++11 mycpp.cpp -lpcre2-8

-lpcre1-8 should be changed to the actual library i.e for 16 bit code unit: -lpcre2-16 and for 32 bit code unit: -lpcre2-32.

If your pcre2 library is not in the standard library path, then add the path:

g++ -std=c++11 mycpp.cpp -L/path/to/your/pcre2/library -lpcre2-8

Note that it requires the pcre2 library installed in your system. If it is not already installed and linked in your compiler, you will need to link it with appropriate path and options.

How to code:

  1. First create a Pcre2Regex object. This object will hold the pattern, modifiers, compiled pattern, error and warning codes.
    1. Each object for each regex pattern.
    2. Pattern and modifier can be initialized with constructor (Pcre2Regex(pattern,modifier)) or with member functions setPattern() and setModifier(). Ex:
      Pcre2Regex re("\\d\\w+","Sugi");   //Initialize pattern and modifier with constructor
      re.setPattern("\\w\\S+");          //This sets the pattern
      re.setModifier("g");               //This sets the modifier.
    3. N.B: Every time you change the pattern, you will need to recompile it and every time you change compile modifier, you will need to recompile the pattern to apply the change.
  2. Compile the pattern and catch any error exception:
    try{re.compile();}                          //This compiles the previously set pattern and modifier
    catch(int e){/*Handle error*//*std::cout<<re.getErrorMessage(e)<<std::endl;*/}
    try{re.compile("pattern","mgi");}           //This compiles the pattern and modifier provided.
    catch(int e){/*Handle error*//*std::cout<<re.getErrorMessage(e)<<std::endl;*/}
  3. Now you can perform match or replace against the pattern. Use the match() member function to preform regex match and the replace() member function to perform regex replace.
    1. Match: The match() member function takes the subject string and some specialized vectors (vectors of maps of substrings) as its arguments and a last argument to tell whether to match all or only the first. It puts the results in the maps of the vectors and returns true on successful match and false otherwise.
Replace: The replace() member function takes the subject string as first argument and replacement string as the second argument and two optional arguments (modifier and the size of the resultant string) and returns the resultant string after performing the replacement operation. If no modifier is passed an empty modifier is assumed.



  1. jpcre2_utils : Some utility functions used by jpcre2.
  2. jpcre2 : This is the namespace you will be using in your code to access jpcre2 classes and functions.


  1. Pcre2Regex : This is the main class which holds the key utilities of jpcre2. Every regex needs an object of this class.


Pcre2Regex(const std::string& re,const std::string& mod="",const std::string& loc=DEFAULT_LOCALE)


void parseReplacementOpts(const std::string& mod);
void parseCompileOpts(const std::string& mod);
void parseOpts(const std::string& mod){parseReplacementOpts(mod);parseCompileOpts(mod);}

std::string getModifier(){return modifier;}
void setModifier(const std::string& mod){modifier=mod;}

std::string getPattern(){return pat_str;}
void setPattern(const std::string& pat){pat_str=pat;}

void setLocale(const std::string& loc){mylocale=loc;}   ///Sets LC_CTYPE
std::string getLocale(){return mylocale;}               ///Gets LC_CTYPE

pcre2_code* getPcreCode(){return code;}                 ///returns address to compiled regex
void free(void){pcre2_code_free(code);}                 ///frees memory used for the compiled regex.

///Compiles the regex.
///If pattern or modifier or both not passed, they will be defaulted to previously set value.
void compile(void){compile(pat_str,modifier,mylocale);}
void compile(const std::string& re,const std::string& mod,const std::string& loc=DEFAULT_LOCALE);
void compile(const std::string& re){compile(re,modifier,mylocale);}

///returns a replaced string after performing regex replace
///If modifier is not passed it will be defaulted to empty string
std::string replace( std::string mains, std::string repl,const std::string& mod="",PCRE2_SIZE out_size=REGEX_STRING_MAX);
std::string replace( std::string mains, std::string repl,size_t out_size){return replace(mains,repl,"",out_size);}

///returns true for successful match, stores the match results in the specified vectors
bool match(const std::string& subject,VecNum& vec_num,VecNas& vec_nas,VecNtN& vec_nn,bool find_all=false);

///Other variants of match function
///3-vector variants
bool match(const std::string& subject,VecNum& vec_num,VecNtN& vec_nn,VecNas& vec_nas,bool find_all=false);
bool match(const std::string& subject,VecNas& vec_nas,VecNum& vec_num,VecNtN& vec_nn,bool find_all=false);
bool match(const std::string& subject,VecNas& vec_nas,VecNtN& vec_nn,VecNum& vec_num,bool find_all=false);
bool match(const std::string& subject,VecNtN& vec_nn,VecNas& vec_nas,VecNum& vec_num,bool find_all=false);
bool match(const std::string& subject,VecNtN& vec_nn,VecNum& vec_num,VecNas& vec_nas,bool find_all=false);

///2-vector variants
bool match(const std::string& subject,VecNum& vec_num,VecNas& vec_nas,bool find_all=false);
bool match(const std::string& subject,VecNas& vec_nas,VecNum& vec_num,bool find_all=false);
bool match(const std::string& subject,VecNum& vec_num,VecNtN& vec_nn,bool find_all=false);
bool match(const std::string& subject,VecNtN& vec_nn,VecNum& vec_num,bool find_all=false);
bool match(const std::string& subject,VecNas& vec_nas,VecNtN& vec_nn,bool find_all=false);
bool match(const std::string& subject,VecNtN& vec_nn,VecNas& vec_nas,bool find_all=false);

///1-vector variants
bool match(const std::string& subject,VecNum& vec_num,bool find_all=false);
bool match(const std::string& subject,VecNas& vec_nas,bool find_all=false);
bool match(const std::string& subject,VecNtN& vec_nn,bool find_all=false);

///Error handling
std::string getErrorMessage(int err_num);
std::string getErrorMessage();
std::string getWarningMessage(){return current_warning_msg;}
int getErrorNumber(){return error_number;}
int getErrorCode(){return error_code;}
PCRE2_SIZE getErrorOffset(){return error_offset;}


  1. test.cpp: Contains an example code for match and replace function.
  2. test_match.cpp: Contains an example code for match function.
  3. test_replace.cpp: Contains an example code for replace function.

Screenshots of some test outputs:


jpcre2 screenshot1 jpcre2 screenshot2 jpcre2 screenshot3 jpcre2 screenshot4


jpcre2 screenshot5